My new year’s resolution … lose weight!

After Christmas, Food /

There are several reasons why so many people make new year’s resolutions to lose weight – keep in mind the information on this site is general information and not advice so always seek professional advice:

The holiday season: The holiday season is often a time of overindulgence, with many people eating more than usual and gaining weight as a result. Making a resolution to lose weight after the holiday season can help people to regain control of their eating habits and undo the weight gain.

Fresh start: New Year’s Day represents a fresh start and a new beginning, making it a popular time to set new goals and make changes to one’s lifestyle.

Social pressure: Society often puts pressure on people to look a certain way and be a certain weight, which can make people feel self-conscious and motivated to lose weight.

Health concerns: Many people make new year’s resolutions to lose weight because they are concerned about their health and want to reduce their risk of chronic diseases.

Improved self-esteem: Losing weight can help to improve one’s self-esteem and self-image, which can be motivating for many people.

Personal motivation: Some people make new year’s resolutions to lose weight because they have a specific event coming up like a vacation, wedding or special occasion.

Increased confidence: Losing weight can help to increase one’s confidence and self-esteem, making people feel better about themselves and their bodies.

Greater self-control: By committing to a weight loss resolution, people can feel like they are taking control of their lives and increasing their self-discipline.

It is important to remember that making a resolution to lose weight is not just about achieving a certain number on the scale, but it’s about taking care of your body and your overall health. It’s important to set realistic goals, and to focus on making sustainable changes to your diet and lifestyle that you can maintain in the long-term.